The Li Ka Shing Foundation was created by Mr Li Ka Shing to help aid the poor and vulnerable members of society after suffering hardship himself early in his life. He emphasised the importance of good healthcare and access to education and created many establishments of elderly care homes and community health centres

  • The Li Ka Shing Caritas Care Home employs 350 people on site, their job is to help care and cater elderly patients needs on the premises.
  • Cited past difficulties retrieving records which prompted them to make a decision to look for a new system
  • Required a simple to use and reliable Time Attendance that can efficiently monitor their staff’s attendance and punctuality records.
  • Preferred software to use their own existing HR software so compatibility is key.

ACTAtek listened to the requirements and provided the following solution:

  • Implemented 4x ACTAtek Combination models with Smart Card & Biometric Fingerprint technology.
  • Flexibility to choose authentication methods on the employees preference – either smart card or their own fingerprint to register their attendance.
  • ACTAtek’s integrated biometric fingerprint technology on the terminal prevents problems of “Buddy Punching” where employees may pass on their ID’s to clock in despite not being present on the site.
  • ACTAtek terminals are “network ready” and information can be browsed over multiple locations using a standard web browser.
  • Log records are exported to databases that can be integrated with Caritas’ existing HR software package for employee managements.

The Li Ka Shing Caritas Care Home have praised the ease of use from the ACTAtek Time Attendance solution and was pleased with the prompt installation service provided by ACTAtek. As a result, Li Ka Shing Caritas Care Home was overall highly satisfied with the solution and would heartily recommend it to other care homes under the foundation.

Link to Solutions

Third-Party Integrated Time Attendance Solution